"King" a Maine Coon plays Lucio in new Netflix series 'Ripley'

Steve Zaillian, the director of the new Netflix series "Ripley", said that the cat in the series needed to be recast twice before he was initially unhappy. He said that owners would bring cats into the office believing that they could do some tricks but what he wanted "was a cat that could just be really chill, and comfortable with people and cameras."

"King" a Maine Coon plays Lucio in new Netflix series 'Ripley'
Lucio. Screenshot from below video.

He says that it wasn't easy to find the right cat but King is the right cat and he happens to be a purebred Maine Coon.

Zaillian said that he had written the cat into the scripts. He admits that he did this with "some trepidation".

He said that he had the idea that "the only witnesses to Tom's crimes would be animals that couldn't testify and people who might be uncomfortable testifying. The cat, of course, was the tricky one."

All eight episodes of Ripley are streaming on Netflix. It is in sumptuous black-and-white, which is a trending genre nowadays. The series debited at number seven in the streamer's Top 10 Global TV Shows. For the week of April 1-7 it attracted 2.3 million views which equates to 16.9 million viewing hours.


Please excuse the occasional typo due to preparing these articles at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I don't have a proof reader.


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