The extreme Maine Coon face

This is an example of extreme breeding. This is a Maine Coon but this cat is an extreme and rare example of this breed. This is not the way they look normally. This face is almost like an aggressive robot with the piercing eyes and the huge muzzle.  Or like a lion's head. The head looks enormous and very heavy. It looks unreal. But it also looks very impressive. 

And purchasers like impressive-looking domestic cats. But this not the face of a Maine Coon that wins cat show competitions as it does not fit the breed standard as accurately as the more moderate winners (see below). 

In fact, the CFA standard is clear in that the cat should have a balanced appearance although this cat was not bred under the CFA breed standard as I understand it (see below). Click here for more on the kind of MC which wins at shows.

Maine Coon selectively breed to have an extreme face
Maine Coon selectively breed to have an extreme face. Image in the public domain.

And the Maine Coon is meant to be a large cat, the largest domestic cat breed and therefore if a breeder is going to breed to extreme this is the kind of direction they will go in where the emphasis is large, heavy and bulky. This is a very well-known photograph and understandably so because you just don't see domestic cats looking like this. I think, though, that some people might get the misapprehension that this is the way all Maine Coon cats look and it's not the case.

Winner at cat shows. More moderate and balanced
Winner at cat shows. More moderate and balanced. Photo: Channan.

This is the original image. I have made improvements to it above.

These sorts of cats normally come from Russia (i.e. are bred in Russia) where they like their fancy domestic cats and where there are many breeders. I think sometimes people forget that. There is quite a healthy cat fancy in Russia. And they breed cats under a different cat association, the World Cat Federation which clearly allows this sort of extreme breeding.

I believe that this individual was bred by a Polish breeder, Fels Cattery, under FiFe or TICA guidelines and that the breeder has a cattery in China. See comment. I believe that his name is Mr Vivo.   

Some commenters have completely misunderstood this page. I am saying that there are very competent Maine Coon breeders in Russia who tend to bred their cats to extreme in size and appearance. That's all I am saying.


  1. What the hell are you talking about? The Maine coon originates in Maine. There is no such thing as a European maine coon. The breed has standards. They do not come from Russia. There is no such thing as extreme breeding

    1. Bollocks to that. The Maine Coon is bred in America and in Europe including Russia. You are ignorant of the facts. The WCF and TICA provides breed standards for Maine Coons bred in these regions.

    2. The closest thing to a Maine Coon cat in Europe is the Norwegian Forest cat...but they still ain't no Maine Coon cat.

    3. Maine Coons are bred all over the world & what she is saying is that the breeders in Russia are breeding for this exaggerated angry look. For the record I have a Maine Coon cat I got when living in California & brought him back here to Australia. I think we all know the Maine Coon is the national domestic cat of USA.

  2. Maine Coon cats don't come from Russia, how dumb can be

    1. You are very wrong. Sorry. Check your facts before commenting.

    2. not here to argue but im confused by your response to the previous comment... Maine Coons originated in Maine... that is a fact. are you suggesting this person is false?

    3. You are mixed up. The breed originates in Maine and the east coast of the US but today 300 or more years later there are breeders in many countries including European countries and Russia.

    4. Has anyone heard the story about this breed coming from France? The story says that Marie Antoinette had a boat ready to escape to America with her Maine Coon cats. She had a friend in Maine whom she was going to stay with. Marie Antoinette ended up being guillotined, but the cats journeyed to the friend Maine. The breed was then continued and named the Maine Coon breed. True? 🤷‍♀️ Idk but I read an article on it.

    5. There is no evidence to support the suggestion that the foundation cats of the Maine Coon were Marie Antoinette's pets 😎. Read more by clicking on this link:

  3. The Maine Coon is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America. The breed originated in the U.S. state of Maine, where it is the official state cat. This cat did NOT originate in Russia!!

    1. Who said that the breed originates in Russia? Not me. I said that there are Maine Coon breeders in Russia. An entirely different thing.

    2. I don't believe that domestic cats were ever indigenous to North America. Just like horses they were brought to this continent by European immigrants. All ships had cats to keep the rat populations to a minimum to protect their stores of food. Some of those cats became famous in Maine for being excellent raters and were prized for their hunting skills. They were named Maine Coons because that was where they became famous. Not because that is where they originated. European Maine Coons are bred all over Europe and have a different breed standard than American Maine Coons. The article is correct.

  4. You have a world of instant information AND FACTS at your fingertips, and you don'teven take the time to check to make sure what you're posting online is correct. How dumb is that?!

    1. You're mad bad and wrong. My post is accurate and precise. I am not saying that the MC originates in Russia. I am saying there are breeders in Russia; entirely different. Read the post properly and wake up.

    2. Nicely said...

    3. Michael Broad is accurate. Maine Coons are bred all over the world. The European MC having the most exaggerated features come from Russia. Curious that this commenter thinks because the breed is called Maine Coon they can only exist there. Lol

  5. I have to agree with Michael Broad. There are now Euro Maine Coons, typically bred to have extreme features. Russia is one of the countries that specializes in this breed. As far as how the breed started in Maine, which it officially did, is a mystery. There are many thoughts on where they came from when they first arrived, from the France legend to Viking legend. All I know is that they are all stunning in their own right. They have been evolving for centuries and will continue to as one of the most popular cats breeds in existance.

    1. The essence of this post is about genotype and phenotype. Genetically these cats are all Maine Coons. However the difference is in the phenotype. Phenotype is defined as the appearance. Some European MC breeders have bred their lines very selectively to produce MC cats with the extreme feral look. The MC breed is indigenous to the northeastern territory of the USA (particularly the state of Maine) and evolved due to it’s physical features through the process of survival of the fittest. The breed was e accepted by The Cat Fancier’s Association for provisional status in 1975 and championship
      status in 1976 after a group of dedicated breeders documented lineage (pedigrees). A pedigree makes it a an accepted “purebred cat”. Judges often remark that Norwegian Forest Cats are Europe’s version of the American Maine Coon. For more detailed information please refer to the websites of the 2 major US cat registries: (1) The Cat Fancier’s Association ( and The International Cat Club (TICA. org).

  6. Nowhere in the article does it say Maine Coons come from Russia. Reading comprehension is a lost skill.

    1. I don't know what u mean. I say that Russian breeders like to breed MCs to extreme. That is correct. The Maine Coon as a breed does not come from Russia. Your comment is badly formulated and does not make sense. And u insult me to boot. You're mad.

    2. I breed Maine Coons European bloodlines beautiful healthy cats. Shipped them
      In from Ukraine all are Tica registered. It’s crazy how us Americans don’t take pride anymore. Everyone who has a long haired cat with a mane thinks it’s a Maine Coon. Then when they see a real one they call it a Lynx lol. Not saying I will never buy a breeding cat from the states. I sure will be cautious though

    3. Ron Perlman! That's perfect. Very accurate. I just purchased a MC from a breeder who gets many of her cats from Europe/Russia because she wants the "Ron Perlman" look/big muzzle, etc. My MC doesn't have the RP look (thank goodness), but I think he's perfect the way he is!

  7. I wish the ones bred in Russia (with the long Ron Perlman face) weren’t called Maine Coons and either named completely different or have the name Russian or European added to it.

    1. The problem is that only a few of the American breeds nowadays have any connection to the original cat. This is because they have been selectively bred for so long that genetically the connection between the original Maine Coon in the state of Maine 300 years ago probably no longer exists in the USA. Therefore, there is little difference between the Russian Maine Coon and the American Maine Coon in terms of pureness. They are all 'manufactured' by breeders.

    2. Interesting. Thank you for posting this article.

    3. Pleasure. Extreme breeding is everywhere in the cat fancy. Another classic example is the flat-faced Persian. And another is the rat-faced Siamese.

  8. Thanks for the info. I never knew such a large breed of domesticated cat existed before today (in the U.S. or in Russia).

    1. Yes, it is a large breed, but the extreme breeders are making it excessively large when the breed standard does not require it. Thanks for commenting. Not many do 😊✔️.

  9. Listen ! There are Definitely MainCoons bred in Russia !
    I have 2 beautiful Maine coons that are from the Russian dissent… Before you start talking smack you should definitely check things out because you sound like an idiot that doesn’t know anything! Just sayin!!!

  10. Interesting reading. I’m in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 and shall be receiving my first Maine Coon In a few days. She is flying in from Latvia. She is bred from Russian/German lines and to me She is the most beautiful little girl.

    1. She might turn out to be a big one. Why did you buy from Latvian breeder and not one in the UK. Was the reason about quality and appearance?

  11. And now one wonders why there is war in this world!

  12. Is anyone interested in adopting 2 MaineCoons?

  13. I am. Are you a Breeder?

    1. Not me but this refers to the adoption of rescue Maine Coons from July of this year. This is the article:

    2. I have just checked and these rescue MCs are apparently still available:

  14. Out of curiosity, how much would a beautiful cat like this cost?

    1. I will have to guess. Probably a figure upwards of $20,000. Particularly now he so blinking famous.

  15. Mr Vivo is actually from a Polish breeder that has a cattery in China. They do appear to be well cared for in a very beautiful home with many cats having the run of the house. The cattery is called Fels Cattery. I believe the costs are between 5 and 9,000 for a male, but add the price of shipping.

  16. It's not called Maine coon cause it originally came from there.
    It's called that cause when the Europeans came they brought cats the people who settled in Maine happened to like the breed and it became the Maine cat of Maine.
    Do research people

  17. I agree with Michael Broad and the article is well written, trying to explain why some individual cats, like the famous gorgeous Mr Vivo will be bigger or look so impressive, while managing expectations of the future owners.
    I live in US, I do have a 6 months MC of Russian origins, from a registered breeder in Florida. My tom is also registered with CFA and from the pedigree line, I could see the RU original lines. However, no where on the CFA certificate nor in its standards, that there is a variant of MC based on its out of USA origins. So it's a Maine Coon or not. Even the Russian ones, are Maine Coons, not "European" MCs (as long as they meet the standards).
    As for Mr Vivo, I don't think he was specifically bred to look fierce and unique, he just is.

    Goid article, Michael!

    PS: someone asked about the price of a MC and someone answered 20.000. That is vague and not true. Maybe Mr. Vivo would cost so much, if he was for sale, due to his popularity. But a baby MC from a registered breeder in USA, in 2023, can cost anywhere between 2.500 and 6.000 USD, depending on the cattery (some say they invest more to justify higher prices, but it's all about them being greedy, nothing else). Be aware that, if you come accross any price in US bellow 2.000 USD, it's just a scam! Very frequent nowadays. As for rescues, no way you'll ever get an original MC from a rescue, maybe a mixed and only by accident. Manage expectations.

    1. Thanks for your comment. The price of the cat we see in the photo on this page might be somewhere upwards of $20k is what I am suggesting as this particular cat is so rare and extraordinary. Typically, MCs cost around $1,500 in the US.

    2. Thank you too Michael. Agree about Mr Vivo hypothetical price. As for current USA prices... in March I paid 3.5K, the cheapest I found (later) was 2.7K, but I only researched the Florida breeders at the time. They might be cheaper in other states, I wouldn't know, my apologies.

    3. Well, you paid quite a lot but prices do vary and this breed is popular which probably forces prices up. The price also depends on the quality of the cat. Top quality cats are amazing and worth the price.


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