What cat breed would make a good companion for your resident Maine Coon cat?

You might live with a beautiful Maine Coon. Your cat is indoors full-time. You decide to adopt another cat to keep your Maine Coon company. You have also decided to purchase a purebred cat as a second cat. What cat breed is best suited to increase the chance that they get along well? Scottish Fold said to be good with other cats. Photo and breeder: Alexandr Anna Krivdin Obviously, the answer to the question depends very much on the personality of the individual cat concerned. However, I can go to a book in which I rely: Legacy Of the Ca t. It is by Gloria Stephens who is a former cat show judge and breeder herself. She is an expert. Note: I would ask the breeder from whom you purchase a cat to tell you about their characters. Scottish Fold: And diving into her book I quickly bumped into the Scottish Fold page. This was slightly disconcerting to me because I don't want to promote the Scottish Fold because it is an inherently unhealthy breed. However, if we put that aside for a m...