
Showing posts from March, 2024

Let me share a delightful tale about a Maine Coon cat

Once upon a time in the quaint town of Wiscasset, Maine , there lived a remarkable feline named Oliver . Oliver was no ordinary cat; he was a Maine Coon , a breed known for its majestic size, tufted ears, and luxuriously long fur. Oliver’s story began with a touch of mystery. Legends whispered that Maine Coons were descended from Viking ship’s cats, those brave felines who sailed alongside Norse warriors on their epic voyages. Some even claimed that Oliver’s ancestors had once prowled the decks of those ancient ships, their eyes gleaming with the same fierce determination as their human companions. But there was another tale, equally enchanting. It involved a queen—a queen named Marie Antoinette . As the French Revolution raged, Marie Antoinette faced a grim fate. Determined to escape, she loaded her prized possessions onto a ship bound for distant shores. Among those treasures were six exquisite Turkish Angora cats, their silky coats as white as snow. Alas, Marie Antoinette herself ne...

Your veterinarian discovers HCM in your Maine Coon. What happens next?

Maine Coon with Dali whiskers If your veterinarian diagnoses your Maine Coon with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), the next steps typically involve the steps below. This information comes from veterinarian websites such as Langford Vets and UC Davis. Genetic Testing : To confirm the presence of the mutation associated with HCM in Maine Coons, a genetic test may be recommended . Management and Monitoring : There is no cure for HCM, but treatments can help improve your cat’s quality of life. This usually includes medication to control symptoms and prevent disease progression. Regular follow-ups with echocardiograms to monitor heart function are also important Lifestyle Adjustments : Depending on the severity, your vet might suggest changes in diet or activity levels to reduce stress on the heart. Breeding Advice : If your Maine Coon is part of a breeding program, it’s recommended to remove them from it to prevent passing on the gene. It’s essential to work closely with your vet to est...

Artificial intelligence provides its reasons why the Maine Coon is popular today.

Image by DALLE-E 3 and AI computer that creates images on request. The  Maine Coon cat , one of the oldest natural breeds in North America, has an intriguing history that contributes to its current popularity. Let’s explore why this majestic feline has captured the hearts of cat enthusiasts: Historical Decline and Revival : In the late 19th century, the Maine Coon was a  popular breed  in cat shows. However, its existence faced a threat when  long-haired breeds from overseas  were introduced in the early 20th century. The Maine Coon’s popularity  declined  during this period, especially with the emergence of exotic breeds like the Persian. Fortunately, dedicated breeders refused to let the Maine Coon’s legacy fade. Their unwavering commitment led to a remarkable  revival  in the Cat Fancy world during the 1960s and 70s. Origins and Myths : The Maine Coon’s lineage is surrounded by mystery, folk tales, and myths. Some myths claim that the...

Library in Massachusetts accepts cat photographs instead of library fines

At a Massachusetts library you can pay a fine with a cat photograph (for now). Even pics of Maine Coons!! 😎 Image credit at base of page. NEWS AND OPINION: this is a very enlightened policy. At the public library in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, the administrators discovered that a lot of young clients had accumulated large library fines since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. It would seem that they thought that there was little chance of getting these fees paid and the books returned. They decided, as an alternative, to tell these customers that when they returned the books, instead of paying a library fine they could provide a cat photograph or photographs. And if they can't photograph a cat they could draw one. It could be a domestic cat or wild cat. The program has been successful with over 400 accounts cleared in the first five days of March. To qualify for submitting a cat photograph rather than paying a fine for hanging onto library books for too long and not returning ...

Woman says her Maine Coon cat is as big as a cheetah but she is WRONG!

The Sun is reporting on another very large Maine Coon cat. The owner says that her cat is as big as a cheetah. This simply can't be true and I'll explain what I mean. She said that her Maine Coon cat who is six years old and who is named Xartrux, measures 4.2 feet in length and weighs just over 10 kg. This is 22 pounds. The National Zoo tells us that an adult cheetah weighs 75-140 pounds which is between 34 and 64 kg. Taking midpoint on that at about 50 kg and the cheetah is five times heavier than this woman's Maine Coon. If a cheetah is five times heavier it can't be the same size because there is five times the amount of mass in a cheetah. The woman argues that cheetahs are between 3'7" and 4'11" long. This is 43 inches and 59 inches respectively. Does this Maine Coon look as big as a cheetah? No, positively not. See image below for comparison. The zoo I mention tells me that cheetah are between 44 and 56 inches long. Therefore she is correct on the...

Japanese scientist has invented an injection which could extend the life of Maine Coons

The Maine Coon cat, it is said, can be predisposed to chronic kidney disease (CKD). Most elderly cats can develop CKD and it is one of the most common old-age health problems which can lead to a shortened lifespan or perhaps euthanasia at a veterinarian's if the condition is sufficiently advanced. I take my information about Maine Coons, Abyssinians and Persians as being perhaps predisposed to developing CKD from a veterinary website called Shallowford Animal Hospital. It's based in North Carolina, USA. Bearing this in mind, it's useful, I think, to mention a recent development in the treatment and prevention of CKD which comes from Japan. Image: MikeB under license. Doctor Toru Mikazaki, and immunology specialist at the University of Tokyo discovered, according to the NEXT SHARK website, a 'protein apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage (AIM)' which helps the kidneys flush out toxins using immunoglobulin antibodies. He believes that AIM is present in the blood of many a...

The first mention of Maine Coon cats in a literary work was in 1861

The first mention of the Maine Coon is in a book that I have: The Book of the Cat by Frances Simpson. It is a reprint and almost unreadable because of the poor reproduction quality. It is like a poor photocopy. Although Simpson was a classy writer. She was one of the early leaders of the cat fancy. Frances Simpson writes about "Maine Cats" in Chapter 28. She starts off that chapter with the following words: From my earliest recollection I have had from one to several long-haired cats of that variety often called Maine cats. As to how and when they came, I would say, like Topsy they just "growed" for their advent reaches far back beyond the memory of the oldest inhabitant. Our own family circle was never complete without one or more cats - not always longhaired, but that variety always held the place of honour. As early as 1861 my younger brother and myself owned jointly a beautiful long-haired black, pointed with white; he bore up for several years under the remark...

Is a Maine Coon, Savannah mix possible?

There are a couple of ways of looking at this. In terms of genetics and biology there is no barrier in getting a Maine Coon to mate with a Savannah cat as they are both domestic cats - the same species of animal. Just remember though that male F1-F4 Savannah cats are sterile. Also note that the Savannah cat is a wild cat hybrid hence the term F1-F5 which means first to fifth filial (generation from the wild cat). In terms of the cat association breed standards neither TICA which recognises the Savannah cat nor the CFA which recognises the Maine Coon (as does TICA) allow these breeds to mate with a different breed. 'Outcrossing' is not permitted. This is to ensure that the distinctive appearance of these breeds is maintained and not diluted. If they were mated the resultant offspring would have greater genetic diversity and benefit from hybrid vigour. The Maine Coon x Savannah cat hybrid would be healthier but a moggie as they would be unregisterable. Cats associations would not...

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