Are Maine Coons Vocal?

In general the answer is no. But it is relative (to other cat breeds) and it depends on the individual cat. Maine Coons are said to not constantly demand attention. The Maine Coon has a "tiny voice". That automatically makes this cat less vocal even if it only means less loud!

Maine Coon
Maine Coon - Photo by Dani.

Gloria Stephens in Legacy of the Cat says that they "are fairly quiet". She is a very experienced cat fancy lady and past cat show judge. Maybe she still judges, I don't know.

I have lived for a short time with a couple of Maine Coons, Quin and Zak. Zak was not vocal. He trilled a bit but asked by his presence rather than vocal communication as is the case with the Siamese cat. Siamese cats can make some extraordinary sounds. That is why I call it relative. Compared to the British Shorthair Maine Coon might be considered vocal.

Hope this helps.


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