Black silver blotched tabby Maine Coon kitten made in Russia

This is a Maine Coon kitten described by his creator as: Silver boy Xavier, black silver blotched (ns22), 1,5 months. The breeder: Людмила Вяткина - ArmanPride Maine Coon cattery in Vladimir, Russia. I believe that 'ns22' is a reference to the WCF breed standard coat type.

Silver blotched tabby Maine Coon kitten made in Russia
Silver blotched tabby Maine Coon kitten made in Russia.

Either the lighting has produced this rusty coloured fur or the fur is indeed that colour. I think the latter assessment is correct which makes this big-footed, beautiful Maine Coon kitten so impressive. He's a tabby. You can tell quite clearly because of the 'M' mark on the forehead.

I have said it before. The Russians breed the best Maine Coon cats. They are the most impressive. It's ironic bearing in mind the new Cold War between Russia and America and that the Maine Coon cat is their beloved American cat.


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