Stunningly huge Maine Coon taken out in cat stroller to New York City

I have one of these cat strollers (see it heading a website by clicking on this link). And it is particularly nice, partly for that reason, to see this man take his outstanding and enormous Maine Coon cat in a stroller into New York City. He is a laid-back cat and his name is Samson for obvious reasons. The man who owns Samson -- wrong words, lives with and is the servant of -- wants to make him as famous as possible and so he has an Instagram account with over 100,000 followers. 

Samson a huge Maine Coon living in an apartment in NYC who gets taken out in a cat stroller to the delight of the residents
Samson is a huge Maine Coon living in an apartment in NYC who gets taken out in a cat stroller to the delight of the residents. The stroller is behind him on the balcony. Screenshot from the video below.

And of course, there is this YouTube video and I'm sure other outlets which help to promote this beautiful chocolate brown bicolour coated Maine Coon. He seems to be living in an apartment in NYC. In the photo you can see the stroller on the balcony in the background.


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