Can Maine Coons have blue eyes?

'White cats and all cats with white may have blue or odd eyes'. That is a direct quote from the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) which fully answers the question.  To put it another way: All-white and particolor Maine Coons can have blue or odd-eye colours under the CFA and TICA breed standards.

Other than cats with some white, eye colour "can be shades of green, gold, green-gold or copper. Those are the allowed Maine Coon cat eye colours under this association. The same applies to TICA.

All-white blue-eyed Maine Coon. Credit: see image.

There is not much more to say but I will say this. White fur is fur without pigmentation. The dominant white gene makes a cat all-white and the piebald or white spotting gene makes a cat partially white (bicolor or particolor)). Both these genes can affect eye colour in that they can make the eyes blue or one eye blue leaving the other I normally yellow (odd-eye color). This is why the breed standard allows blue eyes in Maine Coon cats because the genetics that affects the coat colour also dictates the eye colour and therefore the breed standard has to allow it.

It seems like blue-eyed Maine Coons are quite rare as there are no blue-eyed MCs in all the images that I have uploaded! The picture illustrating this page comes from Pinterest. People search on that site for blue-eyed Maine Coons.


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