Do Maine Coons like to cuddle?

Yes, Maine Coons like to cuddle. Just like any other domestic cat they like to be petted as an expression of your love for them. Perhaps some people think that Maine Coons are a different species of cat than the regular domestic cat, but they are not. They look different, they look majestic especially when they are one of those very large individuals, but in their heads, they are just the same as any neglected, downtrodden and forgotten moggy. Maine Coons are meant to with humans, in the human world. That's their role but go easy and respect the cat.

Sweet female Maine Coon likes to be cuddled. Photo: Pixabay.

Of course, it depends on how you cuddle your Maine Coon and where you cuddle her and for how long you do it. It depends on who initiates it and it also depends, to a certain degree, on the personality of the individual Maine Coon concerned. You can't say that they are all exactly the same as if they have been cloned or stamped out on the factory floor. Some Maine Coons like to be petted more than others and some don't like to be carried as much as others and so on. It's the same rules for Maine Coons as it is for any other domestic cat companion. When the cat initiates cuddling and petting the interactions last longer.

Essentially, you don't want to overdo domestic cat cuddling. There will always be a limit in terms of duration and the amount of force you put into it. The basic rule should be petting or cuddling for a limited time span which is quite short and it should be done gently. Also, do not treat your Maine Coon as a baby. Respect the cat as a cat.

I have referred to Gloria Stephens before because she is a former cat show judge and has written an excellent book about the cat breeds and more called Legacy of the Cat. She describes the temperament of the Maine Coon and, as expected, she writes that they are people-orientated "but they are not overdependent. They do not constantly demand attention, preferring to hang out with their owners. They do not necessarily want to be held, but they do want to be close to the person they love."

Red Maine Coon
Red Maine Coon. Photo: Helmi Flick.

Reading between the lines, you can see that there is a slight reticence to say that Maine Coons love being cuddled. But don't take that as a hard and fast rule because, as mentioned, they are individuals with different personalities.

Dr. Desmond Morris in his book Cat World has gathered together all the adjectives which describe the personality of the Maine Coon and I'm going to recite them verbatim if I may: "hardy, rugged, dignified, reserved, amiable, gentle, elegant, loving, faithful, self-confident, responsive, durable, affectionate, playful, intelligent, resourceful, shy, good-tempered, soft-voiced, active and healthy".

There is a huge spectrum of personality types there which supports my view that there will be variations. Find out what your Maine Coon likes best and deliver it every day as much as you can. You'll find out by trial and error and through intelligent observation. Of course, you will cuddle your cat but do this gently. Always handle your cat gently and don't thrust your face into your cat's face unless she has been with you for quite a long time and learnt about your personality and your behaviour and therefore is sure that you are safe. We are giants to them. It is worth remembering that simple and obvious fact.


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