Maine Coon 3 life stages: newborn, juvenile and adult

A series of photos by Maine Coon of Superbia showing 3 life stages of a handsome black-and-white Maine Coon: newborn, juvenile and adult. You can see the adult in a pen because he is a breeder (see below). I'll be frank: I hate to see any cat in a bloody cage and especially when it is for breeding purposes. People breed cats for profit. In the meantime, the cat is imprisoned. Nothing personal against the breeder by the way. In general, I don't like the way breeders have to keep their breeding cats in cages because they behave badly i.e. spray urine and howl, I guess.

Adult black-and-white Maine Coon from breeder: Maine Coons of Superbia in Germany
Adult black-and-white Maine Coon from breeder: Maine Coons of Superbia in Germany. Photo: the cattery.

Juvenile Maine Coon from Maine Coon of Superbia
Juvenile Maine Coon from Maine Coon of Superbia. Photo: the cattery.

Juvenile Maine Coon from Maine Coon of Superbia
Juvenile Maine Coon from Maine Coon of Superbia. Photo: the cattery.

The photos are by Maine Coon of Superbia. They are based in Germany I believe. A really nice series of photos. Newborns are pretty unprepossessing, aren't they? But they grow up to become incredibly handsome cats.

The breeder states about this cat on their website:

Top Secret ...Ich habe ihn für die Zucht behalten ... er lebt bei einer guten Freundin ...Ein wunderschöner Boy, der "Live" viel schöner ist - alles passt an ihm! Der Nachwuchs von Galileo hat Spezielles vor ...

Translated by Google Translate!

Top Secret ... I kept him for breeding ... he lives with a good friend ... A beautiful boy who is much nicer "live" - ​​everything about him fits! The offspring of Galileo have special plans ..


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