'Fig' the adventurous Maine Coon of Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada: Fig is still a young Maine Coon. This breed of cat take four years to become fully adult, apparently. Her human companion, Chelsea Robinson, adopted her last winter. As it happens, Robinson is an avid hiker and adventurer. She often goes hiking through the forest during the weekend and she walks every day with her super cat, Fig.

Fig the adventurous Maine Coon of Vancouver Island
Fig the adventurous Maine Coon of Vancouver Island. Photo: Instagram.

She decided to put Fig into a harness to bring her along on her walks and she loves it. Fig especially loves to walk on or near the beach as it is her favourite place. She loves to watch the waves crashing onto the shore.

She was enthralled [with the beach]," Robinson said. "Still to this day, no matter where we go, the beach is her favourite place."

Robinson says that Fig has been a bright light for her throughout the pandemic. A lot of people would attest to that. You might know that there has been a surge in pet adoptions during the pandemic lockdowns. This especially applies to dogs. They help keep their human companions sane during these difficult times. 

I'm told that in the UK there have been an extra 3.2 million adoptions of companion animals during the pandemic lockdowns. That is quite astonishing but I would expect something similar or not dissimilar to have occurred in America and in Canada.

Fig has the usual Instagram account, and in her case, it is highly successful as she has amassed nearly 150,000 followers in combination with a TikTok account as well. "She brings people a lot of joy," Robinson said.


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