Maine Coons have their own personalities

Maine Coons have their own personalities
Maine Coons have their own personalities. Screenshot

This video starts off very nicely with an important statement. Maine Coons are individuals. They have their own personality. It's important because people ask about the Maine Coon personality. There is probably a personality which is common to all Maine Coons (MCs) but this is in the background. Their individual personality is in the foreground.

The couple who made the video are speaking about their MCs. I don't believe all MCs behave as they state because as mentioned they have individual characters. They've made the mistake of generalising about MC character after saying they have their own personalities.

For example, she says that all MCs are very friendly, more friendly than other cats. This is incorrect. MCs are friendly provided they've been raised properly by the breeder which is always the case but so are all the other purebred cats and most random bred cats. There is no point in a breeder creating cats who are unfriendly.

Still, it is quite a nice video which shows that not all MCs are enormous. We get accustomed to seeing these monster cats on social media and start to believe that all MCs are the same size. Some females are little larger than standard-sized domestic cats.

The MC personality is the same, by-and-large, as any other domestic cat, purebred or random bred (moggy). They are all friendly if their owner is friendly. They all like their food provided it is good food and so on. Although you will read on the internet articles which spell out a specific MC character as if it is bred into them and is fixed in cement. Logically this can't be true. But as mentioned there will be some common threads but they'll be subtle.

For instance, the experience of a cat molds their personality to a certain extent. How well they are loved and cared for affects their mood and responsiveness. The ambience in a home will dictate whether they are calm or anxious.

One thing that MCs appear to do more than the majority of domestic cats is to use their paws to get at food and water. But I am speculating. There are no hard and fast facts on that as far as I know.


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