Maine Coon spills all the water out of the dog's bowl for fun. Why?

The reason why this red tabby Maine Coon spills all the water out of the dog's bowl is because he is bored. They need stimulation and challenges. I have to use a lot of guesswork in answering this question. But my guess is that this Maine Coon is a full-time indoor domestic cat which will predispose him to boredom. 

Full-time indoor cats require more input from their caregivers for obvious reasons. And if they don't get it, they are liable to become bored. In order to self-stimulate they knock over things to see how they fall. Or they chuck the water out of a bowl to see what happens. They want movement. They want to create a fake prey animal to be caught.

Maine Coon spills all the water out of the dog's bowl for fun. Why?
Maine Coon spills all the water out of the dog's bowl for fun. Why? Boredom, I'd say.

In short, they need to be played with actively and with purpose and commitment. The only person really qualified to do that is the cat's caregiver. It's almost certain that nearly every cat owner does not play with their cat enough. I am in that category. Although my cat is allowed outside and therefore he can find things to do which stimulates him without my input.

The only way to mentally stimulate a cat is to simulate the hunting activities of domestic cats. You do that with toys. The problem with Maine Coons is that you cannot let them wander around outside without supervision. They either stay inside full-time or they are allowed to go into a garden enclosure or a catio. It's all a form of confinement which carries greater responsibilities as mentioned for the owner.

So, in this instance, the way to stop this Maine Coon spilling water from the dog's bowl is to entertain the cat as best you can. If the owner is not already doing it, I would leash train this Maine Coon and take him outside on a lead when possible. And if there is a garden, I would enclose it to make it cat proof and allow him into it. 


And inside that large garden enclosure I would place objects such as climbers and runs to allow my Maine Coon to entertain himself. These are big projects and they cost money and therefore not everybody would even contemplate it but it is the kind of thing that would stop this Maine Coon spilling all the water out of the dog's bowl for fun.


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