Maine Coons were the first cats ever to be exhibited at competitive cat shows

Maine coon cat shows predated the first formal cat show of 1871 in London. Desmond Morris in his book Cat World states that "Maine Coon shows had been taking place regularly before either of these". He is referring to both the first formal cat show of 1871 in London and the first North American formal cat show usually given as May 8th 1895 in New York

"Maine Cat" - winner of America's first cat show in 1895. Picture in public domain.
"Maine Cat" - winner of America's first cat show in 1895. Picture in public domain. The early Maine Coon show cats look like today's moggies.

Therefore, Maine Coons were the first cats ever to be exhibited at competitive cat shows unless the same thing was happening in England with British Shorthairs and there are no reports of that. The Maine Coon cat shows took place regularly from the early 1860s. Farmers in New England held an annual cat show at the Skowhegan Fair. He states that Maine Coon cats were brought from all over the region to compete for the title of "Main State Champion Coon Cat". As I recall, they were called "Maine cats" at that time.

When the bigger cat shows started Maine Coons had an advantage because they had already been shown at cat shows for the past 30 years. They were extremely popular and highly successful in the early days of cat shows. In fact, the winner of the first American cat show in New York was a Maine Coon. As the shows became more popular the exotic Siamese and Persians began to appear and they took over the cat show scene in the words of Desmond Morris.

Sadly, at that time, Maine Coons became less popular and gradually vanished. The problem was familiarity with the breed. It is hard to imagine that Maine Coons, so popular today, were for a while unpopular in the early 20th century. The recently arrived overseas breeds attracted attention and they were regarded as rare novelties and more appealing. 

Perhaps, a factor to the waning popularity of the Maine Coon at that time was because this breed was a farm cat, a working cat, and they looked very different to today's Maine Coons. They were more normal and less exotic both in terms of overall appearance and size.


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