Picture of a shaggy, 'dishevelled' yet attractive tortie Maine Coon

She reminds me of a slightly dishevelled man. That's probably an unkind analogy. It is also incorrect as tortoiseshell cats are almost invariably female! And I'm anthropomorphising cats but what the heck. The broken tortoiseshell coat combined with the shagginess of it gives us this dishevelled appearance. I think this is a super-looking cat. 

Picture of a shaggy, 'dishevelled' yet attractive Maine Coon
Picture of a shaggy, 'dishevelled' yet attractive Maine Coon. Photo in public domain.

I think the impression of a moustache due to the tortoiseshell pattern leads me to anthropomorphize the cat and change the gender! This is a 50-year-old man with ginger hair! My imagination is running riot.



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