Tabby Maine Coon checks out something of interest in the backyard

A glorious tabby Maine Coon checks out something of interest in the backyard. Maine Coons look their best in the tabby coat I believe, as do others. The reason why I like this photograph is because it shows us the length which has been turned into the height of the Maine Coon. It's an un-posed photograph, a snapshot, taken in the backyard; an ordinary photograph which is why the cat looks extraordinary. 

ASSOCIATED: Maine Coon plays with a standard moggy through a glass door (showing the size difference).

Tabby Maine Coon checks out something of interest in the backyard
Tabby Maine Coon checks out something of interest in the backyard. Photo: Pinterest.

The size of the Maine Coon becomes very apparent. But this is a big one. Not all Maine Coons are this big. I have said it before, the CFA does not state that Maine Coons should be big. They're meant to be substantial and have that robust appearance but the cat fancy does not tell breeders to create enormous Maine Coon cats. It has become a cultural habit.


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