Young Maine Coon looks like he's been plugged into the electricity supply

Extraordinary hair. Frizzed and frazzled. And his enormous ears are clogged with more hair.  It looks like electricity is shooting through him. I think he is a Maine Coon because of the ears. Actually, I have decided that he is. The giveaway is the lynx tips to the ears. No domestic cat has ears like that other than the Maine Coon.

I sense that he is a purebred cat from the appearance. I have no idea where the picture was taken but probably somewhere in the US. He is a bicolour brown tabby. The sunlight backlights the whiskers which is why it seems that they are on fire in front of his face.

Young Maine Coon looks like he's been plugged into the electricity supply
Young cat who looks like he's been plugged into the electricity supply. Picture:


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