12 reasons why Maine Coons are the best purebred cats

  1. They are the largest! People like big. Big is best.
  2. They are the most glamorous. Big is glamorous.
  3. They are the most standout pure domestic cat after the F1 Savannah cats but Savannahs are wildcat hybrids. They are not registered purebred cats.
  4. Maine Coons can have fantastic faces that sometimes look like humans.
  5. Their fur is shaggy and natural.
  6. They come in  a huge range of colours and patterns.
  7. They have loyal and charming characters when well-bred and properly socialised.
  8. Their ears are large and prominent with ear tufts sticking out the top making them look even bigger (lynx-tipped ears).
  9. They have the mot impressive tails of all the breeds: glamorously plumed.
  10. They are America's purebred cat and as such represent America, a big and bold cat for a big and bold country.
  11. They have sweet, small voices the sounds of which are juxtaposed against the big bold body conformation.
  12. They are part of the history of America and particularly the east coast as the foundation cats come from the Boston area and the state of Maine.

P.S. These 12 points came out of my head at random. There are other reasons. The Maine Coon is not all perfect: they have inherited health issues like many other cat breeds due to inbreeding for appearance.

Another large Maine Coon chosen at random
Another large Maine Coon chosen at random. Pic in public domain. This is a special looking tabby coat.


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