How a top Maine Coon breeder ships $950 kittens within the USA and worldwide

For me, it is interesting to understand the process of shipping Maine Coon kittens worth about $1000 worldwide. It's quite common for breeders in the USA to ship worldwide but I guess most often they ship within the USA. But even then the flight is going to be 4-6 hours sometimes.

Petra a Maine Coon kitten available for purchase from Calypso Coons
Petra a Maine Coon kitten available for purchase from Calypso Coons. Photo: Calypso Coons.

Calypso Coons

My search brought up Calypso Coons. That is because they have an advert on Google which ranks top because they pay for that right. This tells me that they are investing in their business. They have some very beautiful Maine Coon kittens available at the time I am writing this. They are priced at US$950 each. They look very much in line with the breed standard. In other words they are recognisably Maine Coon cats because of their strong muzzles and large ears and general body conformation, shaggy fur and ruffs. 

They have many satisfied customers 👌 I don't get paid for this 😇 .

I am tempted, myself to adopt one, I must confess. I've read their website and they seem to be genuine and God-fearing. I sense that they are religious family which will encourage me to believe that they have good moral standards. Breeders need high moral standards because what they are doing is, nowadays, slightly controversial for the simple fact that there are many unwanted cats in the world. Why bring new cats into the world under those circumstances?

Because there is a market for beautiful purebred cats nonetheless and I have to support it because you can't be too dogmatic and strict on animal welfare issues. Their Cats look very healthy and as mentioned very beautiful. They have a page which tells us how they ship and deliver their kittens. Incidentally, if you buy a Maine Coon from them with breeding rights the cost is US$1400.

Shipping method

They ship using air travel and a shipping agent. They rely on a shipping business to provide a professional service. It interesting to note that the cats only fly in the passenger area of the aircraft not in the hold. And they have "pet nannies" on board until delivery is completed (see below about the cost).

The agent only uses safe and approved airlines that have pet-safe programs that follow USDA guidelines. It appears that they have 100% success record. They argue that flying kittens is better than driving them to their destination. Calypso Coons make the shipping arrangements. This makes sense because they have more experience than the customer, normally.

Usually. the kittens arrive on the same day as when they were sent. Inside the crate they have a "fluffy bed of shredded newspapers". They also place in that create a "pig's ear chew" which is kittens love apparently and a toy sock with the scent of the breeder on it to help them feel secure. In addition, they tape the kitten's food inside the crate with feeding instructions, together with some "frozen water". This gradually thaws out. I guess it's to prevent spillage. It's a clever idea.

RELATED: Polish breeder in China creates world’s most outstanding looking Maine Coon

They make it clear that they ship within USA, Canada and worldwide. They don't tell me on this particular webpage who pays for it all. Who pays for the shipping? If they don't say that the customer pays then we have to presume that they pay for it. I am a bit surprised about that because it can't be cheap (but please see below).

After you have completed your application form to purchase a kitten they book the flight and update you with all the details you require plus a tracking number. On their frequently asked questions page they say that shipping varies between $250 and $350 (not cheap but I guess high quality). This more or less states that the customer pays for it but they could've been clearer. I've just spotted that so sorry about the previous information. 

Above I mentioned that pet nannies are on board. It looks as if you have to pay for that luxury or some would argue necessity. I like the idea to have somebody there on board keeping the cats company and checking up on them. They don't mention the cost. It's unclear.

Of course, all their kittens are thoroughly checked, vaccinated and in good health. They say that they must pass a 20 point checklist and numerous vet checks before they are listed on their site for sale. 

You can visit their home to look at the kittens. You'll have to use a hand sanitiser and book an appointment. You pay a deposit upfront before visiting. 

RELATED: Stella Gaylor: An Interview with an Exemplary Breeder of Maine Coon Cats

I suspect that you're probably have to prove double vaccination because of Covid security policies. Although that is not stated on their website. That comes from me but Covid is zoonotic and the disease can be transmitted from people to cats and therefore if I was them I would insist upon any visitors being double vaccinated.


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