Injured Maine Coon believed to have fallen from an apartment in Singapore

NEWS AND COMMENT-BLOCK 195 ON PASIR RIS STREET 12, SINGAPORE: A Maine Coon cat was found injured at the foot of Pasir Ris Block, Singapore.

Injured Maine Coon believed to have fallen from an apartment in Singapore
Injured Maine Coon believed to have fallen from an apartment in Singapore. Photo: SPCA. 

You can see in the photograph that the cat was actually in the hallway of what appears to be an apartment block. Perhaps they crawled there. The cat was breathing heavily and crying. There were dried bloodstains on the head and there was a trail of blood and cat poop nearby. The cat suffered quite severe injuries to the jaw and lungs and he or she has a broken left leg (not sure whether it's the hind or foreleg).

The signs are that the cat fell from this apartment block. They are searching for the owner. You can see that the cat has a collar. They should be able to locate the owner.

The cat was taken to a veterinarian and received oxygen support which sounds serious. Let's hope the cat pulls through.

UPDATE FROM FACEBOOK (Lost and Found Pets in Singapore). They say that they are going to delete the post! Why?

14:38hrs Status: on oxygen life support and waiting for owner and SPCA. Have informed SPCA and pending if operation is required, SPCA will assist from there (owner has not respond).
21:00hrs status: owner is in the clinic with the cat now thank you all 🙂 he is in safe hands.

The SPCA was informed and they are making enquiries about the owner (see update above). The earlier news was that the cat might not make it and therefore they wanted to find the owner quickly.

RELATED: These Statistics on Cats Falling Will Surprise You.

It's quite surprising because most often cats that fall from high-rise buildings survive and some with quite minor injuries (see link above). However, in October 2019 I wrote about what I see as a problem of domestic cats falling from high-rise apartments in Singapore.

It was reported at that time that 250 cats had fallen from high-rise buildings and only 50% had survived. A lot of people live in apartments in Singapore for obvious reasons. Not much space and a lot of people.

And, 80% of Singaporeans are prevented from owning a domestic cat because a lot of these apartments are owned and managed by the state. They forbid the ownership of domestic cats. They are called HDB flats (Housing and Development Board-a public authority).

As is commonplace in other areas and other countries, Singapore has a community cat problem of sorts. Some people accept them and some don't. There was a story of a Singaporean kicking a cat on video and allegedly throwing rocks at the community cat.

And there have been reports from Singapore of people (rarely) abandoning cats because they fear that they might transmit Covid-19 to them. That has been a bit of an issue in Asia. What I mean is people even killing their domestic cat companions because they think they might get Covid from them. It must be very rare but there have been reports of it. I know it's shocking.

It brings to mind, a cynical mind I confess, the possibility, the remote possibility I should say, of this Maine Coon being kicked out of his flat by the owner. The Omicron variant of Covid is causing consternation and fear among quite a large segment of the population of any country.

There has been lots of talk about it and how far spreading this variant is. Although the symptoms are relatively mild, please note. But this fear which was instilled into citizens of many countries by their governments can result in irrational and cruel behaviour towards animals. I'm just making a point that it is conceivable that this Maine Coon was chucked away out of a high-rise window although highly unlikely.

Yes, I stress, that it is highly unlikely. They have found the owner which was predictable because the cat has a collar. The owner turned up at the veterinary clinic according to the Facebook report from the SPCA and therefore this points to an accident. There have been calls, as I understand it, to put mesh over windows to stop cats falling out of them. Because of the high number of people living in apartments in Singapore there is a greater possibility of domestic cats falling from the apartments.


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