Can Maine Coons live outside?

This, for me, is an interesting question. You can answer the question from a technical point of view or from a practical and realistic point of view. Technically, we are told by the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) that Maine Coons can live outside because the breed standard tells us that the Maine Coon is "solid, rugged, and can endure a harsh climate". That clearly states, by implication, that the Maine Coon could live outside if demanded. However, I don't think the breed standard intends to portray that possibility.

Can Maine Coons live outside?
Can Maine Coons live outside? Extract from the CFA Maine Coon breed standard.

The statement comes from the origins of this breed. The introductory section of the breed standard under the heading "GENERAL" also states "originally a working cat". This is a reference to Maine Coons being barn cats back in the day.

There are referring to the state's "Maine cats" as they were described before the cat fancy i.e. before the late 1800s. These shaggy medium-longhaired cats, originating from European cats, were farm cats. They were handsome moggies keeping down the rodent population, living in barns and being productive. They were working cats.

So based upon that distinct inheritance, the CFA states that the modern-day Maine Coon can withstand a harsh climate which means that they can live outside.

However, I think the CFA is embellishing the breed standard. The modern-day domestic cat lives indoors, usually in a very pleasant climate-controlled environment. They are used to a relatively closeted life. They would not like to live outside and I suspect that a high percentage of Maine Coons forced to live outside would struggle just like any other domestic cat.

Perhaps they would manage in a barn where there would be some protection from the elements. And where a farmer would feed them. But a Maine Coon living like a feral cat would do no better than a feral cat and probably worse.

The way to let a Maine Coon go outside is on a lead. This is the only way in my view unless they go into a garden enclosure.
The way to let a Maine Coon go outside is on a lead. This is the only way in my view unless they go into a garden enclosure. Photo in public domain.

So, I wouldn't force your Maine Coon to live outside 💖. I know that you won't because even letting a Maine Coon have free access to the outside through a cat flap (cat door) is arguably problematic. I don't know how many Maine Coon owners let their cats go outside but I suspect that the percentage is relatively small. Most of them will keep their handsome Maine Coons indoors, full-time in the interest of their cats' safety and well-being. And then leash train them for the odd walkies 😉.

They are just too handsome and too noticeably purebred which exposes them to being stolen or claimed by a neighbor as their own.


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