Celebrity MC 'Diamond Eyes' Richie in profile

 'MC' stands for Maine Coon. Richie is currently the world's most celebrate MC. The reason is clear: he looks like something from Mars. He looks a bit like a black-faced lemur with bright, white fur. Everything about his appearance is remarkable. His coat is black smoke but his black face is a bonus. Black smoke coats are not unusual but combine it with Richie's black face and gold/diamond eyes plus the copious amounts of fur and you have a unique and outstanding appearance.

His full name is Richie du Mont d’Even. He is referred to as the lemur or yeti cat by his caregiver. It is not just the black face and smoke coat; it is the quantity of it! Look at the mass of smokey fur surrounding the face. It is a great sea of thick, extra-long fur. 

Grooming comes to mind. And I mean grooming by humans! I'd expect Richie's caregiver to groom him twice a day. He has to be groomed that regularly because he is photographed and videoed so much for his Instagram page which is the source of the profile pic. And you have to avoid those dreaded matts. You can let them take hold. It is all about proactive steps. The reactive ones are far worse.

There are quite a few celebrity MCs but Richie is top cat at the moment.


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