Maine Coon asks: "How are you?"

This is a cross post. This Maine Coon is demonstrating feline observational learning. The female owner asks her Maine Coon how he/she is and he responds with the quite distinct and noticeable question: "How are you?". He has copied the words of his owner and I take this to be, as mentioned, a specific case of observational learning or you might argue that it is mimicry. 

Maine Coon asks: "How are you?"
Maine Coon asks: "How are you?" Screenshot.

However, I don't think that it is pure mimicry as it has a purpose and when there is long-term interaction between human and cat, as in this example, there will be an understanding between the two and sometimes a copying of each other's language. Many cat owners use cat sounds when communicating with their cat. This video is an example of reciprocation.

Yes, humans will also make feline sounds while, very rarely, their cat tries to make human sounds. It's a mutual understanding and an example perhaps of commensalism which I've just written about on another website. And in my view the goal in this instance is food. That is the most likely interpretation.

Although the cat is not actually asking a question about the welfare of his owner! He is simply modifying his vocalisation to ask the same thing he asked before: "Food please".

@chakacoon Reply to @adamj.x who could he be hanging out with that speaks French 🥺 #chakacoon #mainecooncat #talkingcat #petsoftiktok #TalkingTree ♬ original sound - ChakaCoon

You either take this as pure mimicry without a purpose or, as I have, a form of observational learning or learning to copy the vocalisations of their human caregiver who the cat regards as a large feline in my view also. Kittens learn from their mums, an experienced adult. The classic form of learning is when a kitten learns how to hunt from their mother or a related individual. Kittens learn faster when they observed their mothers than they do unrelated cats.

Clearly, they recognise their mother as having a great importance and therefore are more likely to observe and digest what they are showing them. The video must confirm what I have stated numerous times namely that cats see us as large cats. Or they don't regard us as either a cat or any other species of animal but as a creature which is just there and who is looking after them.

Note: the video comes from the TikTok pages of chakacoon. Their videos are downloadable. I have not 'stolen' the video.


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