Maine Coon enjoys a Starbucks' cappuccino in viral video

This is a nice video of a good-looking Maine Coon enjoying the cream on top of a cappuccino coffee at a Starbucks' drive-through. Maximus is the name of the Maine Coon and he had a thoroughly enjoyable visit. As you can see in the video, he asked for more and he got it no doubt. 

Maine Coon enjoys a cup of Starbucks' cappuccino
Maine Coon enjoys a cup of Starbucks' cappuccino cream.

At the end there was cream all over his chin, evidence of what he had been up to. I would doubt whether many Starbucks' employees had seen a Maine Coon sitting in the front seat of a car in the drive-through before. Dogs, yes! But I doubt whether they had seen a cat and certainly not such a beautiful cat as Maximus.

The way to play a Google Blogger video is to click the play button in the middle of the video and then the button that is bottom-left! It sounds complicated but it works for me. You might find it works for you by simply clicking the button in the middle!

As you might expect, it was all about the cream on top of the cappuccino which attracted maximus. There is nothing attractive in a toffee per se to a domestic cat. On a slightly more serious note, the majority of cats will probably be lactose intolerant and therefore cream is not entirely good for them but that shouldn't stop a nice cat caregiver providing the odd creamy treat to their cat. I have a page on lactose intolerance and why it happens in cats if you would like to read it. The link is below.

Cats are lactose intolerant.


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