How prevalent is slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) in Maine Coon cats?

There is a strange, unique it seems to me, study about what I believe to be a very rare condition in cats namely "slipped capital femoral epiphysis" (SCFE). I did some research on it to figure out what it means. And my interpretation of what that difficult to understand medical and scientific language means is that the top of the femur (thigh bone) which is a ball-shaped section of the bone 'slips' in relation to the remainder of the bone as you can see in the picture. In more technical language it is a fracture through the growth plate which results in movement of the end of the femur. It seems that surgery is the fix as it holds that cap at the end of the femur in place and in alignment with the rest of the bone.

SCFE on humans. Image: YouTube.

The study which took place at the Institute of Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine, Department for Pathobiology, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria, concluded that SCFE had only been reported occasionally in Maine Coon cats but in their study, they found that this cat breed was "approximately 12-fold more likely to develop SCFE in the overall population of cats presenting to Tierklinik Hollabrunn."

RELATED: Maine Coon top 5 health claims Tesco pet insurance.

Tierklinik Hollabrunn is a small animal referral and first-opinion centre in Austria. They didn't know why there was this incredible increased prevalence of this disease but they speculated that neutering, males, delayed physeal closure and the fact that the Maine Coon is a very large domestic cat may all play a part in this health problem.

Gorgeous Tortie MC
Gorgeous Tortie MC. Photo in public domain. This cat has no connection with the disease discussed on this page to the best of my knowledge. The photo is here to illustrate the page only.

From my perspective, it would seem that the size of the Maine Coon cat - this is the largest domestic cat breed - is perhaps the major factor here and it would be nice to see a further investigation into this health issue.


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