Are Maine Coon cats lap cats? Yes, and no.

One top Maine Coon website states that statistically only 30.4% of Maine Coon cat owners claim that their cats are lap cats. They don't state where that information comes from. But it means that about a third of Maine Coon cats would like to jump on your lap and cuddle up. That sounds about right to me although it'll be guesswork. In fact, I would expect about 25% to be lap cats.

Another person who claims to know about Maine Coon cats, states that they are not usually lap cats.

Another website states that male Maine Coon cats are more likely to be lap cats than females.

Huge Maine Coon lap cat in which the lap is too small
Huge Maine Coon lap cat in which the lap is too small! Image: Pinterest.

Different answers

You will find different answers to the question in the title on the Internet. I know that you want a nice solid answer, but I am afraid there isn't one because no one's done a good survey.


And each individual Maine Coon will have their own character anyway. Some like to jump on a lap while others don't.

Show judge should know

A person I can trust, Gloria Stephens who is a past cat show judge and Maine Coon owner, says that Maine Coons are people orientated. However, they are not over-dependent.

They don't demand attention all the time. And they do not necessarily want to be held. But they like to be close to their human caregiver. And some form a strong attachment to their female owners.

All that points to the fact that some Maine Coons like to be on their owner's lap.

RELATED: 40 facts about the Maine Coon cat.

Too hot!

A factor against a Maine Coon cat being a lap cat is their coat. It is a coat designed for cold winters. They are likely not to feel the cold as much as a cat with a thin single coat such as the Siamese or Oriental Shorthair.

Because Maine Coon cats are likely to be warmer than some other cats, they don't need to be warmed up quite so much. Cats like to go on to their owner's lap to warm up. It is one of the main reasons for jumping up and settling down.

This, I feel, might be a major factor against Maine Coons being lap cats.

In fact, the number one cat Association in America, Cat Fanciers' Association, state in their breed standard that this is "originally a working cat, the Maine Coon is solid, rugged, and can endure a harsh climate". That says it all. They don't need, as I say, the warmth of a lap and they may actually become too hot and dislike it.

Affectionate cat

You will quickly learn whether your Maine Coon cat is a lap cat. If they are not, it does not mean that they will not show you affection. They will show it in other ways. They love the company of their human guardians like all well cared for domestic cats.

Maine Coons are affectionate pets, and they may demand attention from time to time. They value companionship.

Can a breed be known as lap cats?

Is it fair to say that any cat breed can be known for being lap cats? I don't think that you can say that. In that case the Maine Coon is no different from other cat breeds. It is down to the individual cat as usual.

Size compatibility!

There is another point worth making: if you live with a particularly large Maine Coon cats and there are quite a few large Maine Coon cats around, they may find your lap too small! And you might find them too big squeezing onto your lap! 

There is certainly a question of size compatibility. I know that my cat sits on my lap perfectly, but he is quite a small cat. The Maine Coon is the biggest domestic cat breed as we all know and often, they are the longest cat breed.

And if the owner is a nice woman with quite a small lap, I can foresee a problem of her Maine Coon cat becoming comfortable as a lap cat!

Training a cat to be a lap cat

An interesting topic is whether you can teach your cat to be a lap cat. You can certainly train your cat to be a lap cat using positive reinforcement and clicker training.

What you would do is give your cat a treat if and when they jump onto your lap and if they settle down then you give them another food treat. If they won't jump up, you might tempt them with a treat and give it to them when they have jumped up. And then you could gently encourage them to settle down and then give them another treat.

If you do this over a long enough time they will learn to jump up onto your lap. However, they might not stay a very long time because they might become too hot. It is remarkable how hot cats can become on a person's lap.

RELATED: Cat ‘training is logical’ – informal and formal training.

Ways to stop your cat getting too hot!

My cat sometimes he gets too hot and jumps off after about 15 minutes. If you think that is a reason why your Maine Coon is not a lap cat you might put something on your lap as a barrier between you and your cat. It might be some bedding which your cat sleeps on or some bedding which you sleep on, and which smells of you.

Your cat will not get so hot, and he will enjoy mixing his body scent with yours.

Two reasons for being a lap cat

Cats are lap cats for two reasons: to be in contact with their human caregiver and to feel the warmth from their human caregiver. Domestic cats often like direct contact with their owner. It is reassuring for them.

My cat often stretches out his paw to touch my hand when he is on my lap when I am in bed working. This desire for direct contact is a major reason behind cat wishing to be on their owner's lap. The same applies to the famous Maine Coon.


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