Maine Coons from a few days old to almost 12 weeks now

Maine Coons from a few days old to almost 12 weeks now
Screenshot montage by MikeB.

It is nice to see newborn kittens growing up instantly to 12-week-old adults and this TikTok video allows you to do that. Of course, it's very popular because people love Maine Coon cats, and they love kittens. It kind of combines all the elements of what we like to see in domestic cats.

You probably know that Maine Coons grow to be full adults slower than other breeds. Is this correct? I sometimes doubt it. But that is the now 'cast in concrete' fact. Is there any anatomical reason why Maine Coons should take longer to reach adulthood (3-5 years)? There shouldn't be as in this respect they are regular domestic cats like any other.

Humans reach adulthood at around 20 years which is around one quarter of their lifespan. If Maine Coons live to 15 on average, reaching adulthood at the age of 5 represents one third of their life. Strange? Inaccurate?

For me, the music sucks to use an American expression. It is horrible and intrusive.

Below is an embedded version - larger and clearer but sometimes embedded videos stop working which is why there are two versions on this page.

@pnw.whiskers From a few days old to almost 12 weeks now. 🥹 oh how fast they grow #mainecoonkitten #mainecoon #kittensoftiktok #furyou #mainecoonlovers ♬ оригинальный звук - 🥃👑


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