One month old ginger Maine Coon kitten is melting hearts (video)

This is a very short video on the TikTok website by 'sir_jacoon'. It has caught the imagination of people because it's been seen about 1/2 a million times which is not bad for TikTok! I'm not sure why it is so popular to be perfectly frank, but it is probably as simple as this: Maine Coon kittens particularly ones with a very strong muzzle and a ginger tabby coat are very popular. And the expression on this kitten's faces priceless.

But I don't like to see a kitten who is anxious and this one is. I'm not sure it's a good idea to make a video like this of an anxious little kitten but I understand the reason why because it's going to be popular.

One month old ginger tabby Maine Coon kitten is melting hearts
One month old ginger tabby Maine Coon kitten is melting hearts. Screenshot.

The video is presented twice below: once as an embedded video from TikTok and the same video uploaded to this page. The former is better quality, but it might disappear which is why the other version is here! ✔️👍.

Ginger tabbies are popular, and Maine Coons are popular, so the combination is a successful one.

When people see the video, they enquire about the price of Maine Coon cats because their mind immediately turns to adopting one. I get that. A good quality Maine Coon cat in America might cost you about US$1,500. The price depends upon the quality. And the quality is measured by how close they are to the breed standard or that is the way it should be.

Sometimes the quality is measured by how extreme the features are. When this little cat becomes an adult, he will have a very strong muzzle which is popular among adopters. It gives the Maine Coon cat a very distinct appearance. Only Maine Coon cats have this square muzzle. And, you probably know, that ginger tabby cats are nearly always male cats.

You can see the lynx tipped ears are already present. I am not sure about the slightly droopy eyes which concerned me a bit. Remember that Maine Coon cats are always selectively bred otherwise known as artificial selection which is always based upon inbreeding. It is about careful, selective inbreeding, the kind of inbreeding that is totally forbidden for humans.

It's remarkable that it is the total norm for cat breeders including Maine Coon breeders to inbreed their cats to create this beautiful appearance, but it is utterly abnormal, immoral and illegal for humans to "breed" in the same way.

You don't get sons and daughters mating with their parents to produce offspring and then those offspring mating with their grandparents! That would have to be illegal in most countries and it would be very silly because it would lead to ill health and potential congenital deformities.

Anyway, I digress. This is a beautiful kitten which people like to look at. Perhaps another aspect of this kitten which is worth noting is that he is one month old and yet is about the same size as some adult non-purebred cats already. He is going to be a whopper when he grows up.

And you probably know that the Maine Coon is the biggest domestic cat breed other than the wild cat hybrids such as the F1 Savannah cats. And even then, some Maine Coons are bigger than F1 Savannah cats. In fact, they can be considerably bigger at the extreme end of size.


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