Black bombshell Maine Coon Shedoros Mamboo

I believe that this magnificently masculine Maine Coon with blazing, golden eyes from the Shedoros cattery in Germany is a black smoke. He reminds me of Richie, the darling of the internet who also has a black face and white surrounding fur. I believe this to be an unusual characteristic of the black smoke coat type.

Black bombshell Maine Coon Shedoros Mamboo
Black bombshell Maine Coon Shedoros Mamboo. Photo: Shedoros cattery on Facebook.

The outstanding feature of this black bombshell is the very masculine face. It is so solid and wide. You know what they say about masculine human faces. Wide male faces are linked to dominance and perceived dominance.

I get the feeling that this 'man cat' is dominant or seen as being dominant by other cats. The alpha male. Although I bet that he is very calm and gentle actually.

Black bombshell Maine Coon Shedoros Mamboo
Black bombshell Maine Coon Shedoros Mamboo. Image: Shederos.

His ears are not as large as they might be for a head this massive. The triangular, large ears of Maine Coons are one of their identifying features combined with large and square muzzles.

As for Richie, Maboo's piercing eyes are diamond-like, blazing out from the darkness of his majestic face. The 'ear furnishings' droop decoratively from inside the ear pinnae like drapes framing the face.

Yes, I am becoming a little poetic looking at this magnificent beast from Germany. 

It proves that there are some amazing Maine Coon breeders in countries far from the USA which is the ancestral home of this cat breed. It is an American breed, and the MC is an American cat despite the very first Maine Coons being European longhaired cats in terms of their origin.

On August 24, 2020 the cattery said the following:

"Hello dear fans of Shedoro's cats.

I have decided not to breed any more cats until further notice.

Therefore we will sell all our youngsters up to 4 years old as pets.
All will be neutered soon.
Thanks to all of our cat owners, fans and followers."

They have stopped creating super Maine Coons. Fair enough.


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