Kharkiv, Ukraine Maine Coon breeder continues to operate during the war

NEWS AND COMMENT, Jan 2023: It is extraordinary that a Maine Coon breeder based in Kharkiv, Ukraine is continuing to run her business. Kharkiv is in Ukraine's northeast not far from the Russian border and one of the first cities to be attacked by the Russians. It has been devastated and the Russians have terrorized the population of this important Ukrainian city. So many civilian building have been shelled to destruction.

VivatCoon's Diva a super-looking Maine Coon
VivatCoon's Diva a super-looking Maine Coon. Image: the cattery.

VivatCoon's website boldly states: "We are glad to welcome you on the site of our Maine Coon cattery". And it is in the middle of the most brutal invasion of a sovereign country by an aggressor since the Nazi's invaded Poland at the beginning of WW2.

This is a convenient point to introduce the only bit of information I have as to how the cattery's owner manages to continue to breed Maine Coons in Ukraine; the cats are in Poland! Below is the announcement on her website:

Larysa Bekuzarova still has kittens for sale. She is a breeder approved by the World Cat Federation (WCF). She has a Facebook page.

Her cats for sale are beautiful. Very much in line with the Maine Coon breed standard. Distinguished and impressive. I am impressed.

RELATED: Animal rescuing Ukraine soldier finds pile of puppies protecting kittens during the war.

The picture above on this page is of Diva, one of her cats for sale at present I believe. And below is Dolly, another super-looking Maine Coon from her cattery now adopted and living in London, UK.

Dolly a dilute red tabby Maine Coon from VivatCoon in Ukraine 2023
Dolly a dilute red tabby Maine Coon from VivatCoon in Ukraine 2023. Image: the current caregiver: Natalia Kwaśniowska.

Well, you have to admire her for her courage and commitment. Her determination to carry on. This seems to be a Ukrainian quality which is very apparent in their fight against the brutal Russian invasion littered with war crimes.


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