Mrs Norris from the Harry Potter films was 3 Maine Coons

Image: MikeB

Note: In later films she had blue eyes. Her fur is brown and grey which is typical of a tabby Maine Coon.

Mrs Norris was/is the pet cat of Angus Finch the caretaker of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She would alert Finch to misbehaving students. 

This cat, was played by three Maine Coons and is described as looking like Filch which is an insult to Mrs Norris, the cat 😎. Filch looks horrible. She has been described as having 'bulging yellow, lamp-like eyes, a scrawny, skeletal body and dust-coloured fur' in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 8 of the book.

Well, something went wrong with the casting! This Maine Coon is not skeletal and scrawny and her eyes do not bulge. Maine Coons are handsome and impressive as we all know.

It should be said by the way that the Maine Coons selected for the part were standard Maine Coons, nice and evenly balanced and not bred to extreme, which is something I like. 

In the videos below there is a discussion on whether Mrs Norris is a 'Maledictus'. What does that mean? I had to look it up! Surprised? Well, it means a "female individual who carried a blood curse that eventually turned her into a type of beast permanently" according to the Fandom website, my source of information.

Mrs Norris is a smart cat. She is so smart that fans believe that she is a cat/kneazle cross. What is a kzeale? No idea!

However, Crookshanks was Hermione Granger's pet cat. He was half-kneazle, as evidenced by his lion-like appearance, ability to solve problems on his own without aid. Well, that give us a clue. Google can't find 'kzeale'! Not surprised.

Mrs Norris appeared in the first two films in the same role as in the books. She also appeared in the third, fourth and fifth films briefly and played a more comic role for light relief.


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