Lynx tipped ears should appear pointed in the Maine Coon

I think that this amazing Maine Coon cat has been bred to extreme to the point where the ears do not quite match up to the breed standard which as you can see in the Infographic states that the ears should be pointed as the fur at the tip of the ear extends the triangular shape of the ear to a point. 

Lynx tipped ears should appear pointed
Lynx tipped ears should appear pointed. Infographic by MikeB at PoC based on an image on Pinterest and in the public domain with words added.

If there's too much fur in the lynx tipping it's going to flop as you see in the wild cat species, the caracal and it is going to splay outwards a little bit as you see in the photograph in the Infographic. I could be barking up the wrong tree. But we should be gauging a Maine Coons's appearance by reference to the breed standard.

My gut feeling is that this beautiful cat has been bred to extreme which means a little bit too far in exaggerating the important features of this cat breed. And the ears carry 10 points in a cat show. They are an important defining anatomical feature of this breed together with other aspects of the breed's anatomy such as the muzzle and the overall size of the cat. 💓😎


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