Maine Coon chattering explained

This video maker calls it a 'chirp' but this is incorrect as far as I am concerned. It is called 'chattering'. The chirp is akin to a trill which is a greeting sound. The chattering that we see in the video has nothing to do with greetings. It is to do with killing and death!!

As Maine Coons are nearly always home cats - full-time indoor cats - cat television (window gazing) is very important to them as it entertains. It is mental stimulation. A vital part of their day. It is important that there is activity outside, particularly birds because they can imagine themselves catching and killing them. 

It sounds brutal but cats are top predators after all and the birds are safe. The birds don't see the cats so there is no stress on the birds. But this Maine Coon is imagines herself chomping down on the nape of the bird's neck to kill it by severing the vertebrae.

The cat does not just imagine it. She does the action in a vacuum - vacuum activity. It is as if she is practicing the real thing.

It is an instinctive reaction to seeing a prey animal but out of their grasp. And if there is a message or signal from this behavior it is, "I want to sink my teeth into you!"

The chattering sound is the teeth coming together on the closing and opening of the jaws. 

RELATED: Cat Chattering (Vacuum Activity).

Some have expressed the view that it is a form of vocalisation to send a message to others that there are prey animals 'over there'. 

I disagree with this. In fact, it is incorrect. On YouTube, you'll see three cats side by side doing this while intently watching out the window. They are oblivious of each other. This is not a vocalised message. This is instinctive behavior expressing a keen desire to kill birds.

They want to attack but are prevented and instinctively do the next best thing: the feline version of the air guitar, chattering while watching cat tele.


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