Maine Coon enjoys an all-natural Inaba appetite motivator (video)

It is a highly palatable liquid puree which is certain to delight. I can think of a number of appropriate occasions when it might be useful to have to hand an appetite stimulant/motivator. Maine Coons are like any other domestic cat when it comes to acquiring an illness such as a nasal infection caused by for example a herpesvirus infection (nearly all of them are). 

Inaba liquid puree food treat enjoyed by a Maine Coon
Inaba liquid puree food treat enjoyed by a Maine Coon

Note: I am not promoting the product deliberately. I have no connection with the manufacturer. This is about feline health.

Smell so important for appetite

As domestic cats rely heavily on their sense of smell to assess the edibility of food, they may lose their appetite when their nasal cavity is blocked by a discharge. They stop eating. 

You'll need to treat the infection as per vet advice and your own skills and knowledge plus consider encouraging your Maine Coon to eat by feeding their favorite food treat. This product appears to be designed to meet that need.

We also know that from time-to-time domestic cats can be picky eaters, some more so than others. This sort of treat might get the juices flowing.

Hepatic lipidosis

Another and more serious health complaint that may need an appetite stimulant is Hepatic lipidosis - fatty liver disease. It causes loss of appetite. It is a type of anorexia. The disease causes liver failure. 

RELATED: Cat a cat recover from hepatic lipidosis?

The vets say that the disease can be reversed by force feeding. Appetite stimulants might be prescribed by a veterinarian if the cat is still eating on their own.


Personal tip on feeding (take it or leave it!). I find that if my cat is being a bit picky, if I stroke his back when he is smelling the food but not eating it, he is more inclined to eat. This may be a throwback to when adult cats are kittens and licked by their mother when feeding at her breast. Give it a try and see what happens 😉😃.


Food treats provide sheer enjoyment. That's a good enough reason for a full-time indoor cat who might be a little bored provided it is not overdone.


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