Maine Coon trill explained

The Maine Coon trill is talked about a lot. People associate the breed with this particular feline sound. But the trill is certainly not unique to the Maine Coon. Perhaps they do it more than usual and it is done so cutely that people take notice. 

Large cat small sound

It is particularly endearing when produced by a Maine Coon as they are a large cat breed - the largest - and the sound is quiet (small).

Overlapping sounds and variations

The first difficulty with describing cat sounds is that they overlap and a described sound like the 'trill' is produced in different ways by different cats. It is often tricky to be precise.

Trill to chirrup - onomatopoeic

For example, the trill can be also be described as a chirrup. Both these words are onomatopoeic meaning that saying the word is a little like making the sound because the word's creation is closely based on the quality of the sound.

So, the chirrup can slide into a trill when produced by a Maine Coon. What does it mean!?? Well, in the video above we see the sound directed at the cat's human caregiver.

"Come with me"

Mother cats use the trill or a little chirruping sound when she wants her kittens to follow her or come to her. She may also use it as a greeting to her kittens when she has been away from them for a while.

Maine Coons employ the vocalisation when greeting their human caregivers.

As this point it is worth saying that the usual domestic cat to human relationship is one of a kitten (the cat) to their mother (the human) which is why adult cats often behave like kittens in terms of their mentality.

However, with the chirrup the role is reversed and the Maine Coon is treating their human companion as their kitten rather than their mothers. And so, the trill becomes a form of greeting sound between mom (the Maine Coon) and their kitten (their caregiver). 

Its origins are in saying to kittens, "come with me".

On the move

Normally the greeting trill is made when the cat is on the move such as when coming from another room to meet up with their owner.

Or for cats allowed outside when they come in perhaps with a prey animal in their jaws.

Another video in case the other stops working


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