Maine Coon version of THE INCREDIBLE HULK's instant writhing growth is awesome! VIDEO.

From baby Maine Coon to massive monster in 15 seconds in a video. Cool. The time lapse video makes the cat wriggle, writhe and expand like THE INCREDIBLE HULK, the silver screen green giant. A very cool video by the master of Maine Coon media on the internet: Robert Sijka. I don't expect this video to stop working but if it does, I am sorry but I don't control its existence on TikTok (see note below).

Here is a still image from screenshots.

Not only is the video very clever, the cat is damned amazing. The adult is nothing but awesome. And interestingly the coat colour has changed as he grew up. It goes from a steel grey tabby to a ginger/brown tabby. It looks to me like a torbie coat - a tortoiseshell tabby. A fairly rare form of tabby coat. I've just noticed that you can actually see the hint of red orange fur on top of the kitten's head.

RELATED: Torbie cats.


There is a lot of talk at the moment of TikTok users being exposed to having their personal information stolen by TikTok and presenting a national security threat to countries other than China where TikTok is based; owned by ByteDance. Beware of this. They even say that ByteDance can see you through your computer camera! All Chinse businesses are under a mandate to assist the state and China likes to spy on the world. Remember the balloons over the USA? And Huawei? Their kit has been banned from some countries.


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