What the perfect Maine Coon should look like (video) for those who want to adopt

Fast Eddie a great looking cat show Maine Coon. Screenshot.

Fast Eddie, a superlative ginger-and-white Maine Coon show cat impresses at a CFA cat show.

I think Fast Eddie came second in this CFA cat show in the United States to a copper-eyed, pure white Persian but he has been the best cat in other shows. I think he was the best Maine Coon at the show. 

If you want to know what a great Maine Coon looks like as per the CFA standard, this is your boy. He's purrfect.  It is nice to see what the top cat association thinks the Maine Coon should look like. Potential adopters can get a little distracted by the huge Maine Coons on social media.

The show judge makes a nice remark as she talks through the judging of Fast Eddie (who's anything but fast as he is incredibly calm and static which is great at this juncture of the show). She says that Maine Coons should have a balanced body conformation.

They should not be extreme as some Maine Coons are. The character of the Maine Coon can be seen in the video too. Very calm. This seems to be reflected in the many pictures on the internet of Maine Coons being held aloft by their owners showing them off. On every occasion they are calm and accepting.

My thanks to the New Vision Cat Club TikTok account for the video which is downloadable.


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