What cat is more affectionate, a Maine Coon or a Ragdoll?
Both the Maine Coon and Ragdoll cat breeds include individual cats who are very affectionate. In fact, all cats of these breeds are bred to be affectionate. The cat breeder has that duty and they achieve it through socialisation and through careful breeding using good foundation cats. Breeders select foundation cats for their appearance and their personality. Appearance is more important than personality for breeders.
Affectionate Ragdoll. Image: MikeB |
So, the cats inherit their personality but it is also coloured by the environment in which they live and their life experiences. Therefore, each individual cat from either of these two breeds will have slightly different personalities which means that some will be more affectionate than others.
All should be affectionate but some more so than others as mentioned. If you rescue a Maine Coon cat which would be rare you take a bigger chance on their personality because they might have been through a traumatic time with their previous owner or owners. Notwithstanding that, through good cat caregiving a traumatised domestic cat can learn to open up and trust their owner and express their affection once again.
I hope this helps. It's more about individual cat personalities than the cat breeds. That is the bottom line of it because all purebred, pedigree cats should be affectionate for the reason stated.
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