Indoor/outdoor Maine Coon cat goes missing

NEWS AND COMMENT: This is a story about allowing your desirable Maine Coon cat to go outside the home unsupervised whenever they want to. This would be unusual because the Maine Coon cat is an impressive companion animal. There is a reasonable likelihood that your cat will be stolen particularly in a world where theft is on the increase; certainly so in the UK anyway.

If anyone spots Lagertha, please call Mike on 07592 392 673.

Indoor/outdoor Maine Coon cat goes missing
Lagertha. Photo: Frances Jonas.

The headline is that a couple of Maine Coon owners have made a desperate appeal to find their missing cat. The owners are Frances and Mike Jonas. The cat's name is Lagertha. She is a classic and beautiful brown tabby Maine Coon cat.

They live in Weaverham, UK. The last time they saw Lagertha who is two years old, was about midday on November 25, 2023. They adopted her on Valentine's Day 2022.

The owners said that Lagertha had been out for the day and hadn't returned. She's never been missing this long they said implying that she has gone missing before.

Lagertha is microchipped. She is often seen around the area of Russet Road, Cherry Lane and Laburnum Grove in Weaverham.

Although the reports don't state this clearly, it is obvious that Mr Mrs Jonas allow Lagertha to go outside the home at will unsupervised. In other words, this impressive Maine Coon cat is allowed to be a typical indoor/outdoor cat, which is unusual as mentioned.

There is a risk and that risk unfortunately has come to fruition. We don't know whether Lagertha has been stolen or simply got lost but I suspect that she's been stolen possibly by a professional thief who likes to steal attractive companion animals and sell them or an opportunist thief who just took a fancy to a beautiful cat.

As expected, the family is devastated. Frances said: I’m devastated. I’ve not slept for weeks. Some people might say, "It’s only a cat’, but she’s my cat. It’s affected me massively. I run a shop – The Orchard on Lime Avenue – and my head just not in anything.

"We’ve done nothing for Christmas. I can’t focus on anything at the moment as I’m just wondering where is she. Has she been hurt and no-one’s found her?

“It’s like losing a family member. Lagertha will go up to anybody, she’s really affectionate.

“She also used to follow the kids to school and come back with the mums. Everybody knows her round here.

“We just want her home. It would make my Christmas if she came home."

Report from the Northwich and Winsford Guardian


Please excuse the occasional typo due to preparing these articles at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I don't have a proof reader.


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