Maine Coons play in slo mo

It is not a video masterpiece! But if you are thinking about adopting a Maine Coon or are curious about this cat breed, which in the top three most popular, this short TikTok video may amuse you for the 11 seconds that it plays. 😀. They are gorgeous Maine Coons. They get on really well which may indicate that they are siblings.

Although I am not a TikTok fan or a fan any social media platform, you will see a lot of Maine Coon cats paraded on that social media website which is useful if you are thinking of buying one. 

Particularly if you are a first time buyer. And note you you'll have to buy a Maine Coon from breeder rather than adopt one from a rescue centre. They can cost upwards of $5,000 for a top quality cat in the USA.

My unusual choice of cat breed for the first-timer buyer is the Havana Brown! You might not have heard of the breed. Take a look at the article which I have just published:

Here is the Maine Coon video. It has been uploaded to this site as allowed by the creator.

The creator obviously lives with these magnificent cats and their TikTok channel can be seen by clicking on the following link: anakin_and_arya. As mentioned the video is not a work of art! But it's not bad. Gives a nice feel of what is like to live with a couple of Maine Coons.


Please excuse the occasional typo due to preparing these articles at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I don't have a proof reader.


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