Ukrainian guy has a love-in with his Maine Coon on camera

Ukranian guy has a love-in with his Maine Coon on camera
Ukranian guy has a love-in with his Maine Coon on camera. Screenshot.

This is the title in Ukrainian and it means 'I love you': Я тебя люблю. The video shows a very large and attractive grey tabby Maine Coon making biscuits (kneading) and pressing his head against the head of his caregiver which is buried into the bed! It is looks a bit weird but they sure as hell love each other bigtime.

There is an obvious intensity in this relationship which looks great especially with such a large domestic cat but this kind of bonding between cat and person is pretty common.

Nice video though as I always like to see cats genuinely loved. If the caregiver loves their cat only good can come from it and you can guarantee that the caregiving will be excellent with one caveat: avoid too many treats otherwise your kill through kindness - I mean obesity leading to associated health problems such as feline diabetes both of which are on the increase.

Last point: I assume that this video was made in Ukraine which proves there are some corners of that country where this ghastly war has not intruded on their lives and where cats and caregivers are safe.


Please excuse the occasional typo due to preparing these articles at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I don't have a proof reader.


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