Woman beside herself with worry about lost tabby Maine Coon cat allowed outside

Frances Jonas is, as you might expect, devastated at the loss of her tabby Maine Coon cat. It cannot be said that the cat is categorically lost but she was last seen around midday on November 25, 2023 in Russet Road, Weaverham, Cheshire, UK. The cat's name is Lagertha. She is a magnificent tabby Maine Coon.

Woman beside herself with worry about lost tabby Maine Coon cat allowed outside
Images: Frances Jonas

Note: the story was published 12th December 2023 and therefore things might have changed but we don't have an update.

Frances Jonas said that Lagertha had been out for the day before but she's never been missing like this before.

She said that she was devastated and that she has "not slept for weeks. Some people might say it's only a cat but she's my cat. It's affected me massively. I run a shop - The Orchard on Lime Avenue - and my head is just not in anything."

She said that she did nothing for Christmas with her husband. She added that she can't focus on anything and she's just wondering about where her cat is. She is wondering whether Lagertha has been hurt and if anybody has found her.

She says that it's like losing a family member which it is. She says that Lagertha is very affectionate. She added that: "She also used to follow the kids to school and come back with the mums. Everybody knows her around here."

Frances Jonas said: "We just want her home. It would make my Christmas if she came home."

She is micro-chipped and Frances' husband has been out delivering leaflets.

Comment: if you know something about this cat and her whereabouts then please call Mike Jonas on (07592) 392673. It is a tragic story really and I know how Frances feels. There's nothing worse really than trying to get your mind around your lost cat because there is no closure. I must say that I am surprised she allowed her Maine Coon cat to go outside unsupervised. It's nice in one way but I don't think that it is practical to be honest but I don't want to criticise her. 

But they are just too attractive and I suspect that somebody has stolen her because in the UK there is a surge in pet thefts which came about after the Covid-19 pandemic when there was also a surge in the purchasing of pets mainly purebred dogs. This led to a sub-market in dog thefts which has encouraged cat thefts.

Because of at huge problem of theft in general in the UK, the UK Parliament is debating a new law called the Pet Abduction Act. It is an addendum to the Theft Act basically but specialising in pet thefts rather than general theft.

Source: Norwich and Winsford Guardian.


Please excuse the occasional typo due to preparing these articles at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I don't have a proof reader.


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