Choose a high-quality metal comb for your precious Maine Coon

I  don't live with a Maine Coon 😢😒 but I live with a regular, tabby moggie (good-looker) with a short coat and I use a metal comb on him. In fact, I use a flea comb when combing him top to bottom daily. Flea combs have very tightly spaced metal teeth and nicely rounded ends to the teeth. He loves it and asks for a session. He has his own personal way to ask.

Here are some thoughts on combs for the Maine Coon (MC).

Cat lovers know that the Maine Coon coat needs maintenance to avoid matts and tangles. My research from cat groomers and Maine Coon owners indicate that it is wise to buy a good or high-quality metal comb for your Maine Coon.

In addition you can also buy a special detangler comb. 

High-quality products for a high-quality cat, right!? 😎

If you have splashed the cash on a great MC don't skimp on combs. Also it is important that the comb is kind on the skin. In fact you want the combing to massage the skin and thereby feel nice.

Don't assume that your MC will enjoy or even accept being combed. I guess most will if you start when they kittens. Some might object no matter how respectfully you do it.

Take for instance this story from a thoughtful MC owner on Reddit.
byu/CZinvester from discussion
Gentleness is the key plus training them to accept it when kittens. Here are some examples of the kind of combs recommended by experienced MC owners and groomers. They all recommend metal and as mentioned high-quality.
  • Chris Christensen 6" Cat/Carding Buttercomb - Link.
  • Chris Christensen 7.5" Fine/Coarse Greyhound-Style Buttercomb - Link.
  • Wahl metal comb (UK) £4.99 - good value.
For detangling combs this woman on Reddit recommends...
byu/CZinvester from discussion
Daily combing is best. You can even do it twice a day if he/she enjoys it as it is a great way to intimately interact with your cat and reinforce the bond. The way to a cat's heart is through the maintenance of their coat! 💕😃

There are thousands of alternatives, some fancy devices but my personal choice would be the type of comb referred to here. Keeping it simple is best and the teeth need to be long and spaced to get through the coat to the skin.

Please excuse the occasional typo due to preparing these articles at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I don't have a proof reader.


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