Classy Mau cat tree is a good fit for a Maine Coon

Classy-looking Mau cat tree. Image: Mau. 'Mau' means meow 💕👍

I was immediately impressed with this cat tree because of its elegant design and the sleeping pods are big enough for most Maine Coons.  For many home owners cat furniture can sometimes detract from the appearance of a room. A lot of people are house proud. They put a lot of effort into making their home attractive. And they like cats! They have to ensure that the latter does not detract from the former objective. This classy-looking cat tree might be the answer for some.

The only possible downside is the price: $389. And they may only be available in the US. It is always nice to see cat products that have been nicely designed. Although whether the design appeals or not is in the eye of the beholder.


Please excuse the occasional typo due to preparing these articles at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I don't have a proof reader.


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