Polydactyl Maine Coon youngster with unruly whiskers

I see a mass of whiskers and toes on this cute Maine Coon youngster bred by Albireo Yuliasha. I don't know where she lives. It might be Ukraine. I like the cat. It is nice to see a polydactyl Maine Coon. They are famous for this multi-toed congenital condition which is harmless. It is not an illness. I have a page the world record polydactyl cats - those with the most toes which you can see by clicking on this link.

Polydactyl Maine Coon youngster with unruly whiskers
Polydactyl Maine Coon youngster with unruly whiskers. Photo and breeder: Albireo Yuliasha.

Hemingway's House on Key West is the most famous place for polydactyl Maine Coons. But I think a lot are not Maine Coons. In fact, I don't think any are today but there may have been some years ago. Perhaps they were never Maine Coons but referred to as cats of this breed. 


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