Do Maine Coons need a special diet?

What do Maine Coons eat? And do they need a special diet? The answer is a simple one. It is one you would expect. In general terms Maine Coons are the same as any other domestic cat. In terms of their dietary requirements they are exactly the same as a humble moggy, or a stray cat, or feral cat. They all require the same diet. That diet should be as near as possible a replication of the mouse. A mouse is an ideal diet in terms of nutrients. I stress in terms of nutrients because mice can also transmit worms to cats. But in terms of balance in a diet what makes a mouse makes a good diet for a domestic cat.

Caveat: There is one possible reason why an owner might consider a diet tailored to Maine Coons: their predisposition to heart disease and joint issues both of which are genetically inherited. Seek vet advice on that but Royal Canin do a special dry food high in fish oils and glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate for Maine Coons.

Beautiful young Maine Coon to type
Beautiful young Maine Coon to type. Pic in the public domain.

All the commercial foods made try and replicate that. They fail, really, but if you buy a high quality commercially prepared cat food for your Maine Coon you will be all right but even good commercial food can be substandard sometimes . It should mainly be wet food and perhaps some high quality dry from time to time. The odd human food is okay too but check that it is safe. You might be good enough to prepare home-made raw cat food. But you have to be careful and you have to be knowledgeable. Most vets think that the average cat owner is incapable of preparing and storing home-made cat food properly.

Raw homemade cat food prepared by a Maine Coon breeder in Russia
Raw homemade cat food prepared by a Maine Coon breeder in Russia. Photo now in public domain.

That said, cat breeders not infrequently prepare their own home-made cat food to a high standard and they swear by it because they say it enhances the gut health of their cats which results in an overall better health. So to answer the question in the title: Maine Coons do not need a special diet. They need a good and proper diet that is balanced and contains all the required nutrients.

What Percentage of Protein Should Be In Cat Food?

There is one last point to make, in truth. The diet for all domestic cats is somewhat special because it is very specialised as they are obligate carnivores as you probably know. Domestic cats have evolved this way to become specialist feeders. But within that context this beautiful cat breed requires nothing different or special compared to other domestic cats.

Postscript: Maine Coons are known to be predisposed to get hip dysplasia which can lead to arthritis as I understand it. Glucosamine as a supplement in food may assist in alleviating this condition. But please check with your veterinarian when modifying diets.


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