Do Maine Coons shed hair less than other cats?

I'm afraid not. Maine Coons are just like any other domestic cat. They shed hair. In fact, as they are medium-longhaired there will be more actual hair in your home because the hair strands are longer. I think the question is a 'cri de cœur' to use a bit of French, by which I mean a desperate cry into the Internet to ask and hope that the Maine Coon sheds less than average because the person who asked the question loves Maine Coons but dislikes the idea of hair lying around their home. It is one of those minor (for some) and major (for others) downsides of being a cat caregiver.

You have to learn to live with cat hairs around the home if you live with a cat. That is the best way to deal with it. Just reprogram your mind to accept it. You can minimise it by brushing your Maine Coon with one of those special brushes that picks up dead hair. You will find many examples on Amazon and online in general.

Grooming a Maine Coon
Grooming a Maine Coon. Screenshot.

I wouldn't advise bathing your cat to remove hair. That is a bad idea as far as I am concerned. Others may have a different opinion. Bathing any cat should be absolutely reduced to the minimum. You don't want to remove your cat's natural oils and natural scent. The former is good for their health and the latter is good for their identification by other cats. 

RELATED: Why is it bad to wash cats?

Domestic cats identify each other through the way they smell. In a multi-cat household if you bathe one cat the others won't recognise him any more. The matter will resolve itself but you don't want that hassle.

There is nothing in the literature which supports the idea that Maine Coon shed less than other cats but you will find quite a lot in the literature online which encourages Maine Coon owners to regularly e.g., daily, brush and comb their cat companion to stop matting, to check for fleas, to remove dead hair and to please their cat. 

There is another benefit: bonding. Cats love the treatment and they know that it is coming from their human caregiver and therefore it can only be a big positive in the relationship between cat and person.


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