Majestic Maine Coon meets the cutest Persian kitten

This is one of those ah... moments. The cutest Persian kitten gingerly sneaks up to a 19-pound, majestic snow-white Maine Coon who looks on with calm disdain. It is a very cute video. And nice to see these two very different cat breeds together in the same video. 

The cutest Persian kitten gingerly sneaks up to a majestic snow-white Maine Coon who looks on with calm disdain
The cutest Persian kitten gingerly sneaks up to a majestic snow-white Maine Coon who looks on with calm disdain. Screenshot.

This is the first time these two have met. It looks like the Persian kitten is new to the home and the resident cat is the white Maine Coon which is why he is not really very welcoming towards the Persian. It'll take a little while for the resident Maine Coon to accept the little incomer. But for first contact is a success, I'd say.

Kitten reaches out to make friends and is rebutted!
Kitten reaches out to make friends and is rebutted! Screenshot.

The kitten really wants to make friends and reaches out to touch the Maine Coon who responds negatively. I have good feeling that things will change and that the Maine Coon will warm to the newcomer and that they'll end up good friends.

Maine Coon versus Persian

It would also seem that the owner and TikTok uploader, rae_punzel, deliberately adopted what she probably believed would be a very unthreatening Persian kitty. Not a bad choice. Jackson Galaxy recommends that a new cat to the home where there is an existing cat should be a good personality match. I think choosing a kitten as the new cat is a good idea as they are very unthreatening as mentioned and not yet territorial. The agonistic behavior (aggressive) comes from a resident cat protecting their home range.

New kitten and adult resident cat get on well through screen. How to maximise success.


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