Maine Coon Matting Madness

There is a high potential for matting in this superb Maine Coon. I know that the coat needs to be shaggy to meet the requirements of the breed standard so they look like genuine barn cats of the late 1800s but this guy needs ongoing maintenance of a serious kind: daily grooming by their human caretaker is probably a must to avoid mats forming. Once they form and take hold, they are hard to remove. Proactive action is far easier and more successful. Maine Coon's trademark shaggy coat. Needs human intervention of the grooming kind! Photo: Reddit. The important thing about grooming your cat is to be gentle. And the best care is proactive. Far easier. And commercial grooming parlours might not that good as they are unregulated and you don't know what is happening. Will your cat be scared and traumatized? Is he safe? Are there dogs at the parlour as well? How do they dry cats? Are there safety controls? I would not use a grooming parlour as there have been some terrible stories ...