Are Maine Coons dangerous?

No of course not. Don't be put off by the size, be impressed instead. Maine Coons are no more dangerous than any other well bred, well raised and socialised domestic cat which means they are a delight to live with. I think people have asked if Maine Coons are dangerous because they are the biggest domestic cat breed and can look intimidating but the key is how well they are socialised. All Maine Coons are well socialised because they have been selectively bred. This means artificial breeding by breeders as opposed to random breeding as occurs among free-living moggies. Maine Coons are not dangerous. Photo: Pinterest video screenshot. And it is a duty of cat breeders to raise their cats underfoot which means they are raised with humans and sometimes with other animals around from as soon as they cat get around. It gets them used to people; to learn that people are not dangerous (some are!). The only time domestic cats can be dangerous to people is when they ar...